Electricity Tax
Electricity Tax is levied on consumption or sale of electricity in the state of Tamil Nadu under The Tamil Nadu Tax on Consumption or Sale of Electricity Act, 2003 and the Rules made there under.
Procedure for registering generators and payment of electricity tax
- Every Person other than licensee / State Govt. who has installed or proposes to install a generating plant should apply for registration of the generator in Form - 'A1' to the concerned Electricity Tax Inspecting Officer holding the post of Electrical Inspector along with e-challan for Rs.2,000/- (Rupees Two Thousand only) in case of a generating plant of capacity upto and inclusive of 500 kVA, Rs.4,000/- (Rupees Four Thousand only) in case of a generating plant of capacity exceeding 500 kVA and upto and inclusive of 2500 kVA, and Rs.8,000/- (Rupees Eight Thousand only) in case of a generating plant of capacity exceeding 2500 kVA under this dept. head of account paid through the url:https://www.karuvoolam.tn.gov.in/
- Certificate of Registration will be issued in Form - 'A2'.
- Rate of Tax is Ten paise per unit on the electricity consumed
- Monthly return in Form - 'C2' should be submitted regularly along with the original remittance challan for the amount of tax calculated as above
- The rate of interest is 12% per annum for belated payments.
Lift Erection
The Owner of the Place where the Lift is to be erected shall
- Ensure the Lift Erection Company is approved by Chief Electrical Inspector to Govt., Chennai -32
- Duly fill in Form 'A' in consultation with the Lift Company
- Enclose triplicate copies of drawings duly signed by the Applicant and Authorized Person of Lift Company, showing
- Layout of the lift erection
- Plan
- Section Elevation
- Arrangement of Doors
- Lift well Enclosure
- Size and position of the machine relating to the lift well
- Position of hoisting machine
- Number of floors to be served and total travel
- Enclose triplicate copies of drawings duly signed by the Applicant and licenced Electrical Contractor, showing Wiring Scheme for the complete lift installation including earthing scheme
- Enclose copy of approval obtained from the Urban Local Body concerned for the Building Plan
- Enclose original treasury challan for
- Rs. 2500/- (Rupees Two Thousand Five Hundred only) in case of lift having 5 landings;
- Rs. 5000/- (Rupees Five Thousand only) in case of lift having more than 5 landings; (The amount should be remitted into a Govt. Treasury (Eg. State Bank of India, Beach for Chennai City Area) under this department head of account) (To download chalan Click here)
- Forward the above in complete shape to the respective Divisional Electrical Inspector
Permission in Form - 'B' to erect the lift will be issued within one month, if the application is in order.
Permission granted in Form - 'B' is valid for six months from the date on which it is granted.
The Permission in Form - 'B' can be extended further to a period of six months on receipt of application stating the reason along with original challan for
- Rs. 2500/- (Rupees Two Thousand Five Hundred only) in case of lift having 5 landings;
- Rs. 5000/- (Rupees Five Thousand only) in case of lift having more than 5 landings; (The amount should be remitted into a Govt. Treasury (Eg. State Bank of India, Beach for Chennai City Area) under this department head of account) (To download chalan Click here)
Electrical Safety
- Every year in India tens of thousands of people are killed or injured from contact with electricity.
- Some of these people are young Children.
- The more you know about how electricity works, the better you can keep yourself, your friends, and your family safe!
» Facts About Electric Shock
- Electricity is always trying to get to the ground. Like all good travellers, electricity takes shortcuts whenever it can. If something that conducts electricity gives electricity an easy path to the ground, electricity will take it!
- You can never tell when contact with electricity will be fatal, but you can be sure it will always hurt.
- Electric shock can cause muscle spasms, weakness, shallow breathing, rapid pulse, severe burns, unconsciousness, or death.
- In a shock incident, the path that electric current takes through the body gets very hot. Burns occur all along that path, including the places on the skin where the current enters and leaves the body.
- It's not only giant power lines that can kill or injure you if you contact them. You can also be killed by a shock from an appliance or power cord in your home.
» How Electricity Can Hurt You!
- Water is an excellent conductor. You can become electricity's path to the earth if you are touching water that touches electricity. Electricity would travel through the water and through you to the ground.
- This is why it's so important to keep all electrical appliances away from water, and to make sure your hands are dry and you are not standing in water when you touch anything electrical. It's also the reason no one should ever use water on an electrical fire, but should use a multipurpose fire extinguisher instead.
- Appliances have protective insulated cords and coverings to keep you from contacting the electricity inside. It's important to use appliances and cords the way they were designed to be used so you don't damage the insulation or contact live electrical parts. If a live wire inside an appliance, toy, or power tool touches the inside of the device and you touch the device, it would be like touching a bare live wire. You cannot tell from the outside if there is a problem inside, so you should always act as if there were danger of shock.
» How Electricity Can Hurt You!
- Trees near power lines are dangerous! When a tree grows close to a power line, it can create shock hazards, power outages, and fires.
- If a tree branch falls on a power line, it can cause a power outage. Electricity will go off in any homes or businesses served by the power line until the electric utility (EB) can remove the branch and fix the line.
- If a tree branch touches a high-voltage power line, electricity from the line can make the branch so hot it catches fire. From there, the fire can spread to nearby trees, plants, or buildings.
- Snapped or Downed power lines can hurt or kill you, even if they do not spark or hum.
- If you see a snapped power line, stay very far away. Do not even get close to anything that is touching the line, like a tree, fence, vehicle, etc.
- Circuits do not always turn off when a power line falls into a tree or onto the ground. Even if they are not sparking or humming, fallen lines can kill you if you touch them or the ground nearby. Stay away and call the nearest EB office.
» How Electricity Can Hurt You!
- If someone has been shocked, there's a chance they may still be in contact with the source of the electricity. Do NOT touch the person or anything he or she is touching. You could become part of electricity's path and be shocked or even killed! Take these steps:
- Tell an adult to turn off the main power to the house.
- Call for a Doctor. Tell them it is an electrical accident.
- When the victim is not in contact with the source of electricity and you're sure there is no danger, tell an adult to give first aid for electrical injury.
- Don't touch burns, break blisters, or remove burned clothing. Electrical shock may cause burns inside the body, so be sure the person is taken to a doctor.
Electrical Testing
Government Electrical Standards Laboratory, Chennai -32
- Pre-Commissioning Tests on HV & EHV Installations
- Power Quality Analysis (Harmonic Distortion) of 3phase AC System
- Calibration and Testing of Rotating Sub-Standard Meters (RSS), Electronic Sub-Standard Meters (ESS), Analog and Digital Energy Meters / Tri vector Meters of accuracy class 0.2 and inferior.
- Ratio Error Tests on Current Transformer (CT) and Potential Transformer(PT)
- Load Capacity (HP) determination of Induction Motors
- KVAR determination of Capacitors
- Measurement of Sound pressure level / Noise
- Calibration and Testing of all type of Power Protection Measuring Relays
- Measurement of Soil Resistivity and Earth Electrode Resistance
- Measurement of Temperature and Speed in Electrical Apparatus
- Ratio Test on Power Transformers
- Dielectric Strength (BDV) of insulating oils used in Transformer, Switchgear, etc.,
- Hydraulic Pressure Tests of Portable Fire Extinguishers
- Power Frequency High Voltage withstand tests on Transformers, Breakers, Cables, Generators Panel Boards
- Dielectric Strength of Rubber Mats
- Calibration and Accuracy Tests on Measuring Instruments like, Voltmeter, Ammeter, Wattmeter, Multimeter, Tong Test Meter
- Testing of Phase Sequence Indicator, Insulation Resistance Tester (Megger), Earth Resistance Meter and Power Factor Meter
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